Provincial Testing

In order to graduate students are required to have completed the following provincial assessments:

  • Numeracy assessment - This is first written at the end of grade 10. The students are given a score of 1-4, which will appear on their official transcript. Students may rewrite this assessment two additional times, with the best score appearing on their transcript.
  • Literacy 10 Assessment - This is written in grade 10, students are given a score of 1-4. which will appear on their official transcript. Students may rewrite this assessment two additional times, with the best score appearing on their transcript.
  • Literacy 12 Assessment - This is written in grade 12, students are given a score of 1-4. which will appear on their official transcript. Students may rewrite this assessment two additional times, with the best score appearing on their transcript.Some post secondary programs require a minimum score for entrance to certain programs.

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